Real Estate for Rent CLASSIFIEDS From our Newspapers
Updated January 19, 1998

Real Estate for Rent:
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BRIDGEPORT 3 BR, furn. or unfurn., lg. fenced-in yard, CA, 2 stall gar., $650 unfurn. $750 furn. Call Mon-Fri., 5-10pm, 842-7042.
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COMMERCIAL Rental units becoming avail. U.S. Rt. 119 & Rt. 50, Grafton. 3,100 sq. ft., 6,000 sq. ft., 8,200 sq. ft. Call Don at 265-3280.
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DELUXE TOWNHOUSE, 3BR, 2BA, appliances, gar., pvt., 6 mi. to I-79, flexible lease. 592-2054.
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EFFICIENCY APT $250. all utilities include cable. Call 624-9349 after 5:00 or leave msg.
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COZY HOUSES for rent. Ideal locations. Call 622-5470 between 5-8pm.
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IDEAL HOME for office space to rent. Call 622-5470 between 5-8pm.
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OFFICE SPACE for Rent on Bridgeport Hill. Former offices of Mingyar Realty. Please call 842-2560 or 622-4422. Serious inquiries only.
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Apartments with a view available. Newly constructed, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, with deck. Small pets welcome. For your reservation - 304-624-4834.
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7 MILES from C'burg, newly remodeled, eff. apt., all util. pd., $275/mo. + dep. 783-5468.
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3BR HOUSE for rent in Grafton, quiet location, $400/mo. + util. & sec. dep. No pets. Call 412-220-1099, lv. msg.
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1BR COTTAGE F/A, range, refrig., plenty of parking, $195/mo. 592-2054.
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1BR NICE off street parking. $265 per mo. Call 624-9349 after 5:00 or leave message.
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