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Netiquette, Mailing Lists and News Groups
One of the nicest features about the Internet is the ability to send electronic messages. With
e-mail, you can send notes to friends and colleagues, request information, and participate in
special interest discussions. There will be times when you are cruising the web and you want to
send the webmaster a note or request more information.
Here are some tips to help you become a better e-mail correspondents.
1. Take time to think through your letter. Try to use correct spelling and plan your thoughts. Once you press the send button, your letter is gone and may appear in another's mailbox in a matter of seconds.
2. Use the subject line of the letter. Don't leave it blank. Try to give an idea of what your letter is about. It will help ensure that your letter is among the first read. Some people receive hundreds of letters a day. If it is important that your letter be read, don't just say "important", tell why in three words or less.
3. When replying to another's letter, you can copy parts of the letter and include it in your response. It is not always necessary to include the other's letter. If you feel it is necessary, place your response before the other's letter so he/she does not need to wade through something he/she wrote and already read.
4. Feel free to use a signature file. But keep your signatures brief. A signature file usually contains your name and contact information. It may include something about you like your favorite quote or your job title. Avoid using drawings and other "cute" items which just take up space.
5. Remember, whatever you put in writing can have a long life span. Don't send notes you may regret.
6. Use caution when sending attached files. Be sure the person you are sending them to wants
them. In general, if you should receive an unsolicited attached file or a file from someone you do
not know, delete it. A file must be executable and then opened (executed) for it to pass on a
Mailing Lists and News groups
Mailing lists are electronic publications routinely e-mailed to a list's subscribers. The lists are usually free and are a great way for people to share ideas and views on a common interest.
Be aware that you can receive a hundred or more letters a day from a busy list.
When looking for a list to join, you can search the web for lists. Go to the major search engines
and type in "mailing lists" and your subject interest. For information on search engines see the
Webvoyager columns "How to find information on the web" Part 1 and Part 2. You can also try these web sites: Search the List of Lists
, Liszt , and
Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists .
Upon joining a list, you will receive a letter telling you how to post to the list, how to
unsubscribe, other mailing list commands, and the FAQ. Print out the letter and file it in a safe
place so you will know how to post, enter commands, and unsubscribe when the time comes.
News groups or usenets are similar to mailing lists except that the postings do not come through
electronic mail. You subscribe to the group and read the postings via a news reader. To find a
news group, use a search engine and enter "Usenet" and your subject interest. You can also try
Search for an Usenet Group and Browse a Usenet
Group by Category and FAQ .
In checking out a list or usenet, look for the FAQ. FAQs are frequently asked questions. They
are usually posted on the list at regular intervals. Often the list will also have a web site where
the FAQ can be found. This will save you from asking the same questions everyone else has
asked and will give you a general overview of the list.
Netiquette is etiquette on the net. There are some basic rules of manners for the Internet. Proper
netiquette is especially important when utilizing a mailing list or usenet.
When you join a list, spend some time "lurking" or observing the postings before placing a note
on the list. In this way, you learn how the group operates and are better able to make a viable
contribution when you are ready to participate in a discussion. A person who is new to a list is
called a "newbie".
It is easy to get passionate about a certain topic and want to express your views in a strong
manner. Some people will "flame" others on the list. This means they will say something nasty.
If you should ever get flamed, the best thing to do is to simply ignore it. Otherwise you can find
yourself involved in a senseless and hurtful exchange.
If you want to give a particularly angry response, my advice is to write it out first (not in your
e-mail program), print it and read it the next day to be sure you feel the same. Odds are, you will
have experienced a catharsis by the act of writing and, by the next day, will have cooled down
quite a bit.
Before joining a list or group, check out The Netiquette Home Page and
Zen and the Art of the Internet so
you can be a polite and welcomed member of the group.
As you voyage down the cyber-path, you are encouraged to send me your ideas for topics you would like to see discussed and to share your favorite links. Send correspondence to me at:
e-mail: Webmaster@cpubco.com, via post: Web Voyager, Ellen H. Fernandez, PO Box 2000,
Clarksburg, WV 26302, or through our web site. Phone: 626-1466.
EDITOR'S NOTE Ellen Highland Fernandez is the Webmaster for Clarksburg
Publishing Company's site and her column appears on the first and third Sundays every month in
the Sunday Exponent-Telegram
Clarksburg Publishing Company, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302 USA Copyright © Clarksburg Publishing Company 1997