Clarksburg Exponent and Clarksburg Telegram
Retail and Classified Advertising Rates

Effective January 1, 1997


Publisher: Terry Horne (304) 626-1453

Director of Sales & Marketing: Andy Kniceley (304) 626-1409

Retail Advertising Manager: Pete Oliver (304) 626-1423

Classified Manager: Deborah Veltri (304) 626-1413

Advertising Office Manager: Brenda Conley (304) 626-1421

National & Chain Store Manager: Jack Smith (304) 626-1411

RETAIL FAX: (304) 624-9441

CLASSIFIED FAX : (304) 622-3629


Landon Associates, Inc.
19 Offices Nationwide
Pittsburgh, (412)-774-4411
Cleveland, (216)-966-8616
Cincinnati, (513)-688-0050
New York, (212)-867-1112

West Virginia Press Services
3422 Pennsylvania Avenue, Charleston, WV 25302
(304) 342-6908


a. Advertising Agency Commission
Commissionable rate for national advertising is available to any recognized advertising agency and must be billed to the advertising agency. All local rates are non-commissionable.

b. Cash Discount
No Cash discounts are allowed.

c. Accounts Without Credit
All advertising is cash with copy until credit is established. Credit is allowed upon approval of a completed credit application. All major credit cards accepted.

d. Terms for Accounts with Credit
Net 30 days from closing date of the statement. Finance charges are computed on a periodic rate of 1.5% per month, which is an annual percentage rate of 18% on any period's balance not paid within 30 days.

e. Delinquent Accounts
On advertising where credit is allowed, when any part of the account for advertising becomes delinquent, the entire amount becomes due and payable. The Exponent-Telegram may refuse to publish further advertising of a delinquent account.

f. Contracts
Contracts are nontransferable; only advertising relating to the regular business of the contracted advertiser may be purchased under the advertiser's contract and none of the privileges of the contract may be assigned to another advertiser or business.


a. Content/Copy
The Exponent-Telegram reserves the right to reject any advertising with content that may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not an invasion of others and is in compliance with federal, state and local laws and regulations.

b. Liability for Error
The liability of the Exponent-Telegram for any material error caused by the Exponent-Telegram in an advertisement is limited to crediting to the account of the advertiser an appropriate portion of the cost of the advertisement containing the error. The portion will be determined by the Exponent-Telegram according to the degree of the error. In no event will the credit be greater than the price of the first advertisement containing the error. Claims for such liability must be submitted to the Exponent-Telegram within 30 days after the publication and will not be honored if copy or corrections were submitted to the Exponent-Telegram after the deadline for submission. No adjustment of any kind normally will be made for errors that do not affect the value of the advertisement.

c. Circulation/Readership
The Exponent-Telegram does not guarantee any given level of circulation or readership for an advertisement.

d. Limitation of Liability
The advertiser and advertising agency must agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Exponent-Telegram from any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities resulting from any advertisement (including illustrations, text, layout, positioning, etc.) published at the advertiser's request.

e. Advertisement/News Format
Advertising that might be mistaken by a reader as news, feature or other non-advertising materials must be clearly marked "advertisement".

f. Position
All positions are the option of the Exponent-Telegram. Generally, the Exponent-Telegram will attempt to accommodate an advertiser's request for advertising position whenever possible. In no event will adjustments, reinsertions or refunds be made because of the position in which an advertisement has been published. Classified display ads may or may not appear under specific classifications due to "dummying" restrictions.

g. Failure to Insert
The liability of the Exponent-Telegram for omitting an advertisement from any edition in which it was scheduled or ordered for publication is limited to publishing the advertisement in another mutually agreeable edition at applicable rates.

h. Composition Charges
Composition costs associated with production of an advertisement that is set but not used will be paid by the advertiser at the current composition rate of $25.00 per hour.

i. Late Ad/Preprint Liability
The Exponent-Telegram accepts no liability for errors in advertisements placed late by the advertiser or delivered late by a third party designated as the source of material.

k. Artwork
The Exponent-Telegram is not responsible for the return of printing material/artwork unless a specific written request is received at the time of placement to hold such material for a period not exceeding 30 days.

l. Incorrect Rates
Incorrect rates on insertion orders which do not correspond to the rate card will be regarded as clerical errors and the advertisement will be published and charged at the applicable rates at the time of publication.

m. Special Rates
Exponent-Telegram representatives are not authorized to make any deviations from these published rates and regulations, orally or in writing.

n. Insertion Orders
The Exponent-Telegram accepts insertion orders from advertising agencies only according to the terms and conditions this rate card conveys. If an insertion order is submitted including conditions that are not in accordance with the rate card, the Exponent-Telegram is not bound to adhere to them.


a. ROP Open

Daily Sunday
$15.75 $16.50
Annual Column Daily Sunday
Revenue  Inches Column Column
Inch Rate
Inch Rate
Open   Open   $15.75   $16.50
$1,000   75"   $14.20   $14.85
$2,000   150"   $13.80   $14.45
$4,000   300"   $13.40   $14.05
$6,500   500"   $13.00   $13.65
$9,500   750"   $12.60   $13.35
$12,500   1000"   $12.40   $13.05
$17,500   1500"   $12.20   $12.75
$28,500   2500"   $12.00   $12.55
$55,000   5000"   $11.80   $12.35
$80,000   7500"   $11.60   $12.15
$100,000   10,000"   $11.40   $11.95
$122,500   12,500"   $11.20   $11.75
$140,000   15,000"   $11.00   $11.55

Note: Dollar Volume includes Preprint Revenue,
Display Ad Revenue and Color

Lower Your Earned Rate
by repeating a display ad within 6 days

1st Repeat   2nd Repeat   3rd Repeat
30%   30%   30%

All political advertising must be accompanied by cash with order and must be designated as "Paid Political Advertising," starting the name of the person authorizing its publication and candidates in whose behalf it is published. Photo I.D. is required when placing political ads.


The Exponent-Telegram publishes every Saturday a special section called Harrison County Xtra which is mail-carrier delivered to non-subscribers. The editorial content focuses on local people, youth sports and local events. Advertisers have found Harrison County Xtra to be a very economical way to reach an additional 22,000 households in Harrison County each week.


Town   Zip Code
Saturation   Total
Anmoore   26323   0   610   610
Bridgeport   26330   992   1978   2970
Bristol   26332   0   447   447
Clarksburg   26302   3848   3801   7649
Enterprise   26568   0   399   399
Gypsy   26572   0   222   222
Haywood   26366   0   123   123
Hepzibah   26369   0   287   287
Lost Creek   26385   0   1485   1485
Lumberport   26386   0   1020   1020
Meadowbrook   26404   0   196   196
Mount Clare   26408   43   995   1038
Reynoldsville   26422   0   256   256
Salem   26426   468   0   468
Shinnston   26431   633   1249 1882
Spelter   26438   0   161   161
Wallace   26448   0   539   539
West Milford   26451   25   365   390
Wolf Summit   26462   0   291   291
Wyatt   26463   0   107   107
Grand Total     6009   14,531   20,540

Harrison County Xtra Measurements: Same as ROP 6 Column Format. Proof deadline Friday 6 pm; Camera Ready copy Monday 3 pm

Display Rate Per Column Inch

Inches   13x   4x   1x
120"   $4.00   $5.00   $6.00
90"  $4.25   $5.25   $6.25
60"   $4.50   $5.50   $6.50
45"   $4.75   $5.75   $6.70
30"   $5.00   $6.00   $6.90
15"   $5.25   $6.25   $7.10
8"   $5.50   $6.50   $7.30
OPEN-   -----   ----   $7.50

Pick Up Out of Exponent-Telegram $3.50 pci


TMC Preprint Rates

Tab Size   Full Size   Flat Rate   CPM Comparison
Up to 12 Tab   Up to 6 STD.   $1,200   $60
16-24 Tab   8-12 STD.   $1,400   $70
28-40 Tab   14-20 STD.   $1,600   $80

48 Tab and up 24 STD and up Priced by weight...
Quantities Needed Saturday TMC...22,000


Advertisers may choose full run for daily or Sunday distribution. If total market coverage is what you want, we can supplement our subscriber delivery with C.A.S.S. mailed delivery in our Saturday TMC product, Harrison County Xtra.


Tab Size   Full Size   Daily    CPM Sunday
Flat Rate    Flat Rate  Comparison Flat Rate
Up to 24 Tab   Up to 12 Std .   $1,100   $50 $1,200
26-48 Tab   14-24 Std.   $1,210   $55   $1,320
50-64 Tab   26-32 Std.   $1,320   $60   $1,440
66-80 Tab   34-40 Std.   $1,430   $65   $1,560
82-96 Tab   42-48 Std.   $1,540   $70   $1,680

Quantities Needed Daily .....................22,000
Quantities Needed Saturday ...............22,000
Quantities Needed Sunday .................24,000

Full run distribution figures are based on average gross circulation and are more applicable than the ABC Audit figures which are based only on average paid circulation.

a. Preprints contracted for a twelve month period.

b. Placement of inserts in the Exponent-Telegram will result in credit toward fulfillment of advertiser's ROP contract covering display advertising. The amount of credit resulting from the placement of an insert will use the amount in dollars paid for the insert divided by the advertiser's contract rate in effect at the time the insert is placed.

d. To obtain maximum protection for your insert keep the paper size within the range of our 14x11 folded newspaper.

e. Broadsheet preprinted advertising sections should be half-folded. Tabloid size or small preprinted pieces should be flat.

f. Deliveries should be at our dock ten (10) days prior to date of distribution. Deliveries earlier than 17 days prior to the date of distribution increase the chances of damage due to excessive handling of skids.

g. The receiving department is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday, 324 Hewes Avenue, Clarksburg, WV. No deliveries will be accepted by other personnel.

h. Preprinted inserts are accepted by reservation only. Quantity needed will be stated at the time of reservation.

i. For accurate identification of your skids, please display each skid with a copy of the insert on two sides of the skid and the quantity of inserts on each skid.


.71 per line   .73 per line
$9.94 per inch   $10.22 per inch


Non-Contract Rates

1 Day   2 Days 3 Days   4 Days   5 Days   6 Days   7 Days   30 Days
3 Lines   2.13   3.90   5.58   7.08   8.55   9.72   11.13   45.90
4 Lines   2.84   5.20   7.44   9.44   11.40   12.96   14.84   61.20
5 Lines   3.55   6.50   9.30   11.80   14.25   16.20   18.55   76.50
6 Lines   4.26   7.80   11.16   14.16   17.10   19.44   22.26   91.80
7 Lines   4.97   9.10   13.02   16.52   19.95   22.68   25.97   107.10
Per Line   .71   .65   .62   .59   .57   .54   .53   .51


Contract Rates

Minimum   10" or 140 Lines   1x weekly   .43 per line
Minimum   20" or 280 Lines   1x weekly   .42 per line
Minimum   30" or 420 Lines   1x weekly   .41 per line
Minimum   40" or 560 Lines   1x weekly   .40 per line
Minimum   50" or 700 Lines   1x weekly   .39 per line
Minimum   60" or 840 Lines   1x weekly   .38 per line

Must Run 10" Minimum Weekley to Qualify
Must Maintain 3 Line Rate Holder at .43 per line for Contract

Happy Ad Rate

4 Line ..............................$2.20
Each Additional Line .55 per line
Minimum of 4 lines

Classified Rates for Happy Ads or Birthday Greetings

2x2 $10.00...$5.00 for each additional inch.


Harrison County Full Day $5.53 for 7 Lines;
.79 each additional line
Harrison County 1/2 Day $4.90 for 7 lines;
.70 each additional line
Out of Harrison County $6.09 for 7 lines;
.87 each additional line
Out of Harrison County 1/2 Day $5.53 for 7 lines;
.79 each additional line


$5.53 for 7 lines; .79 each additional line
(pictures-7 lines per inch)


Color advertising is subject to availablity and mechanical limitations. Color charges do not include flap charges and scanner charges for full color photos and slides. Color scanner charges depend on the sizes and number of photos.
Price quotations are available upon request.

Open   24 Time   48 Time
Rate   Contract   Contract
One Color   $200   $150   $125
Two Colors   $275   $225   $200
Full Color   $350   $300   $250

Color Separations may incur additional production charges


The Exponent-Telegram is audited by ABC.
Ask your sales representative for the latest report.


Monday   Home & Family
Tuesday   Community
Wednesday   Healthy Living (Food)
Thursday   Weekend (TV Guide)
Friday   Outside Life
Saturday   Senior Life
Sunday   Celebrations (Weddings)



a. Contracts are not valid until signed by the Advertising

b. No verbal agreements are recognized

c. Contracts not completed will be short rated. Rebates are
not given.

d. Credits for errors in advertisements allowed for the first
insertion only.

e. It is the sole discretion of the Advertising Manager
whether to issue a credit or run a make good for adver-
tisements that have run with errors due to an Exponent-
Telegram oversight.

f. Contracts will be accepted from an individual advertiser or
may be drawn to include his/her subsidiaries but cannot
include two or more different companies.

g. The Exponent and Telegram resumes the right to adjust any and all advertising rates with 30 days written notice to the advertisers.


Ads with column depth of over 19 inches will be charged the full column depth of 21 inches. Ads for special tabloid sections that are over 9 inches in depth will be charged for the full column depth of 12 3/4 inches. Minimum size accepted 1 column x 1 inch.


Offset Printing Process


col   picas   inches
1 column   12.10   2 1/8
2 column   26.8   4 7/16
3 column   40.6   6  3/4
4 column   54.4   9  1/16
5 column   68.2   11  5/16
6 column   82   13  5/8

Full Page.................     13  5/8 x 21
Double Truck ..........    28  1/2 x 21


col   picas inches
1 column   7.6   1  1/4
2 column   15.9   2  5/8
3 column   24.0   4
4 column   32.3   5  3/8
5 column   40.6   6  3/4
6 column   48.9   8  1/16
7 column   57.0   9  7/16
8 column   65.3   10  13/16
9 column   73.6   12  3/16
10 column   82   13  5/8

Full Page ...............     13  5/8 x 21
Double Truck ..........   28  1/2 x 21

col   picas   inches
1 column   12.10   2  1/8
2 column   26.8   4  7/16
3 column   40.6   6  3/4
4 column   54.4   9  1/16
5 column   68.2   11  5/16

Full Page ...............     11  5/16 x 12  3/4





Monday         Thurs.   6 PM   Fri.  11 AM
Tuesday      Fri.   6 PM   Fri.  6 PM
Wednesday         Mon.   6 PM Mon.  6 PM
Thursday    Mon.   6 PM      Tues.  6 PM
Friday     Tues.   6 PM     Wed.  6 PM
Saturday        Wed.   6 PM   Thurs.  11 AM
Sunday Society & Theater           Wed.  6 PM Wed.  3 PM
Sunday ROP          Thurs.   6 PM Thurs.  6 PM
Harrison County Xtra          Fri.  6 PM Mon.  3 PM



Monday     3:30 PM Friday
Tuesday thru Friday     4:00 PM
Saturday   3:30 PM Friday
Sunday  4:00 PM Friday



Gross Rating Pts   63   126
Adver. Messages    32,586     65,172
Adult Readers       32,586       39,498
% Adults Reached       62.9%      76.2%
Avg. Frequency       1.00       1.65
Gross Rating Pts.      189       251
Adver. Messages      97,758     130,343
Adult Readers       41,956     44,184
% Adults Reached       80.9%  85.2%
Avg. Frequency       2.33 2.95


Knowing demographic segments of a consumer market, you are better equipped to develop programs which quantify your potential customer targets, thus improving your sales efficiency. North Central WV is a good place to do business because the market is balanced in all age groups. The vast majority of the market is comprised of married homeowners with incomes in excess of $40,000 annually.

Age Groups
18-34      23%
34-44   15%
45-54    12%
55-64   10%
65+      15%

Annual Household Income
Less than $15,000     24%
$15,000 - $25,000     19%
$25,000 - $50,000     37%
$50,000 & Up      20%

Less than High School       18%
High School       51%
Some College     16%
College Grade    15%

Male       43%
Female    57%

Home Ownership
Own    85%
Rent    15%

The Exponent-Telegram is
audited by ABC.
Ask your sales representative
for the latest report.

Clarksburg Publishing Company, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302 USA
Copyright © Clarksburg Publishing Company 1998