by John G. Miller
Most area sports fans know about Salem-Teikyo University's nationally ranked men's basketball program.
But they probably don't realize Salem had the fourth-best men's swimming program in the nation last year.
Or that the school is now playing Division I water polo and beating teams like Boston College, Navy and Princeton.
Athletic Director Mike Carey hopes to change that.
"People don't realize some of the unique sports we offer," Carey said. "And they don't realize the success we've had. We want to let people know exactly what we offer."
The school hopes to accomplish that with a "Meet the Coaches Night" booster membership drive dinner Thursday night at Damon's.
"I think once people meet the coaches and get to know the programs we have, they'll be more apt to get involved," Carey said. "Getting the word out on these new programs is the key."
Carey said the school has had four programs earn national rankings during the 1990s Ñ men's basketball (preseason No. 1 in 1998), men's swimming (No. 4 in '98), women's swimming (No. 14 in '98) and women's basketball (Sweet 16 in 1995).
The school also offers men's soccer, baseball, men's tennis, golf, volleyball, softball, women's tennis, women's water polo, rugby, women's soccer and cheerleading.
Carey said community involvement is essential to continued success.
"I know our basketball programs have had great fan support in the past and we hope to make people realize they can support the other programs through the boosters group," Carey said.
Tickets for the dinner are $10. Social hour begins at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 7. For more information, contact the athletic department at 782-5286.