Notre Dame High School
From our Newspapers

Mission Statement
Of Notre Dame
High School
The Harrison County Catholic
School System (Notre Dame) is
based on the educational philosophy in which faith, culture and
life are brought into harmony. In
conjunction with the parents and
the community, we educate,
spread God's word and contribute
to the formation of a morally
sound and healthy lifestyle among
our students.
Nine Students
Compete In
Math Field Day
On Tuesday, Nov. 26, students
from Notre Dame High School
participated in the Harrison
County Math Field Day at Salem-Teikyo University.
The activities included an individual test, short answer questions and team projects. These
tests covered Algebra, Algebra II,
Geometry and Trigonometry.
Those students participating
were Suzanne Vozniak, Sarah
Freeman, Elyse Murphy, Cindy
Iquinto, DeAnna Cooper, Toni
Kay Oliverio, Sylvia Basile, John
Madia and Jeremy Gustafson.
The team was led by math teacher Lisa Beeson.
NDHS Offers Many Clubs
For Various Interests
The following is a breakdown of activities sponsored by a few of the clubs at Notre Dame:
Key Club
The Notre Dame High School Key Club is continuing its tradition of service to its school and community during the 1996-97
school year. This year's officers are President Brandon Kupec,
Vice President Rocky Cunningham, Secretary Jon Arco, Treasurer
Rachael Devono, District Board Correspondent, Cyndi Lehosit, and
Club Advisor Pam Wilt.
Planned activities for the school year include sponsoring senior
night activities for all sports, special school assemblies, Teacher
Appreciation Day, Trick or Treat for the Heart Association, Ronald
McDonald Share-a-Night, Bowl-a-Thon IDD and wrapping
Christmas packages for the Children's Treatment Center.
Student Council
The Student Council, led by President Toni Kay Oliverio, Vice
President Rocky Cunningham, Secretary Rachael Devono and
Treasurer Deanna Basile, is in the midst of sponsoring its annual
"Adopt a Family" project.
The organization assists each homeroom at Notre Dame as
each provides all the food necessary for a Christmas dinner to a
needy family in the Harrison County area. In addition to the food,
the homerooms also provide a new gift for each family member,
plus as many good, used items as they can collect. This is the seventh year for the project and it is just one of the many ways the students at Notre Dame seek to provide service to the community.
The Media Club
In its third year of existence the Notre Dame High School Media Club is still going strong. In 1994 the Media Club received two
awards: one for Most Innovative and Most Progressive Partner in
Education for its work with WOBG Radio.
The media club broadcasts a weekly radio show on Saturday mornings on WOBG and is responsible for preparation of the morning announcements for the school. So for good music, insightful info and a weekly trivia contest, tune into "The Irish Hour," every Saturday morning from 9 to 10 a.m. on 105.7 FM, 1400 AM, WOBG.
Varsity Football
Shows Improvement
The Notre Dame varsity football team marked an explosive
season, improving to a 5-5 record after last year's 1-9 season. Coach Kip Shaw commented, "5-5 is a better season than we have had in the past, but as far as being satisfied with it, no I'm not. I feel we
could have done much better."
The team consisted of 19 seniors
of whom Coach Shaw had nothing but praise. "I had a good senior class. Some of them I've coached since they were freshmen, and they have come a long way."
As for next season, the team
hopes to remain competitive, though the loss of so many seniors will hurt. The underclassmen
have formed a solid nucleus and are determined to increase upon last season's wins.
Seniors Visit United Hospital
To Learn about Medical Careers
During the second week of December a group of seniors visited
the United Hospital Center to talk with professionals about possible
careers in medicine. The fields discussed included radiology, pharmacology, dietetics, physician's assistantships, blood testing, physical therapy, anesthesiology, emergency room management, pediatrics and nursing.
With the assistance of Dr. Kassis, a few of the students later hope to be able to sit in on a minor surgical procedure to experience the full effect of what surgery is all about.
Students attending were Tania Kassis, Rachael Devono, Angie
Martino, Elyse Murphy, Toni Kay Oliverio, Melissa Ferro, Cyndi
Lehosit, Greg Thomas, Brandon Kupec, Chad Fleece, Jon Howard and Sean Felosa.
Mrs. Darlene Bock New
Director of Art Department
The Notre Dame High School Art Department began the new school year with a new director, Mrs. Darlene Dock.
Mrs. Bock has a degree in painting from Fairmont State College and is presently taking graduate level classes at West Virginia
University. She has used her diverse knowledge of the arts to help
her students create and produce expressive images and forms.
Her students are learning how to draw and paint using mediums such as ink, pencil, charcoal, markers, oil, acrylic and tempra
paints. They will begin studying sculpture next semester and are
already working with papier-mache.
Last month the students collaborated to produce 500 reindeer
pins for pediatric patients at the United Hospital Center. In their
spare time they also make banners and signs for athletic events.
Two of the advanced level art students, Cyndi Lehosit and
Kristin Federer, will begin production of a mural for the rear wall
of Mr. Bill Shaver's history class. Ms. Federer is also presently
working on a full-scale painting of the Virgin Mary for the Madonna Center, the day care center sponsored by the Harrison County
Catholic Board of Education.
Notre Dame Adds Winter Sports Teams
The number of winter sports offered to
Notre Dame has increased this year with the
addition of both a swim and a wrestling
team. These new teams join long standing
programs such as boys and girls basketball
and cheerleading in the search for a state title.
The girls varsity basketball team is
coached by Steve Gibson. The team lost six
top players to graduation, but this year's seniors have stepped up and shown the lead
ership necessary to take the team through a winning season and into tournament play.
Angelo Basile, coach of the boys varsity
basketball team, is fortunate in returning
with most of last year's team, with the addition of a few new and highly talented players.
They are looking to improve upon last year's
record and take yet another Mason-Dixon Conference title.
The varsity cheerleaders, for the third
year in a row, won the regional title and advanced to the state tournament in Charles
ton. The team has many new faces, along
with first year head coach, Jennifer Dodrill.
The lone returning senior, captain Cyndi Lehosit, is joined by juniors Lara Hall (also a
captain), Deanna Basile, Sylvia Basile and
Nicole Curotz. Sophomores include Tina Brunetti, Heather Bragg and Angela Belotte.
Freshmen are Erin Anderson, Tanya Messinger, Danielle Veltri, Tina Oliverio and
Theresa Basile.
The swim team is coached by Lee Gustafson and has six members on its roster. The
team includes seniors Rachael Devono, Tania
Kassis and Elyse Murphy. They are joined by
sophomores Christa Elder, Rachel Romano,
Jeremy Gustafson and Brenton Murphy.
The wrestling team is coached by Tom
Haislop and is led by seniors Tobias White
and Chris Madia. They are joined by sophomores John Madia and Christian Mestier.
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